When ever I see a film that made by directors Steven Spielberg or Christopher Nolan,
I have to wonder if there films are going to be pick (like The Dark Knight Rises or Jurassic Park).
Those kind of films that are pick by the Academy Awards or the Golden Globes.
The important key notes that I look for in a film, is first and foremost is the story.
You really need a good story that the audience can follow. Personally, from seeing novels turn films its quite a challenge. When trying to take every bit of the story and cramming it into a one-half hour or two-half hour length film. But importantly its not fair to leave out the important parts of the story like from a graphic novel(comic book). Which is always a huge mistake when some directors and writers don't really try to mix in a good amount of superhero's background, other characters that really close to our hero, and how the hero or superhero got his powers. In which the same can go for the villains as well, which is best not rush a super hero type film. Trust me, I've seen quite a few films that were okay or they could have done better.
Music is also an imported part of a film, its the soundtrack that makes the mood for the film's opening scene,

hearing a live play keeping a good place with the actors.
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